Puppeteer cookie store implementation for tough-cookie


Puppeteer store for cookie management library tough cookie.

[library types]

Tested in puppeteer/chromium only!

npm install puppeteer-tough-cookie-store


yarn add puppeteer-tough-cookie-store
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
// const { getStoreByPage } = require('puppeteer-tough-cookie-store')
const { getStoreByPage } = require('../')
const { CookieJar, MemoryCookieStore } = require('tough-cookie');

// optional libraries, you need only what you are really using
const got = require('got'); // make sure its got@11, cuz got@12 forcing to using imports instead requires

async function getPage() {
// launch some browser
let browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
args: [

const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
const page = await context.newPage();

return [browser, page];

async function runtime() {
// test url
const url = 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/puppeteer-tough-cookie-store';

// launch browser
let [browser, page] = await getPage();

// init cookieJar
let cookieJarBrowser = new CookieJar(await getStoreByPage(page));

// do base puppeteer request
await page.goto(url)
console.log('browser 1: cookieJarBrowser.getCookies', await cookieJarBrowser.getCookies(url));

// do requests with cookies by another libs
await testLibraries(url, cookieJarBrowser);

// detach cookies to memory storage
const cookieJarMemory = await cookieJarBrowser.clone(new MemoryCookieStore);
// now we can close the browser but we will have cookies to work
await browser.close();

// do requests with cookies by another libs but without browser
await testLibraries(url, cookieJarMemory);

// launch another browser
[browser, page] = await getPage();
// init cookieJar
cookieJarBrowser = new CookieJar(await getStoreByPage(page));

// check for no cookies cuz we are in incognito
console.log('browser 2: cookieJarBrowser.getCookies empty', await cookieJarBrowser.getCookies(url));
// restore cookies
cookieJarBrowser = await cookieJarMemory.clone(await getStoreByPage(page));
console.log('browser 2: cookieJarBrowser.getCookies restored', await cookieJarBrowser.getCookies(url));

// cookies were restored, so we can go requests again!

// do base puppeteer request
await page.goto(url)
console.log('browser 1: cookieJarBrowser.getCookies', await cookieJarBrowser.getCookies(url));

// do requests with cookies by another libs
await testLibraries(url, cookieJarBrowser);

// close browser at the end of our work
await browser.close();

async function testLibraries(url, cookieJar) {
// got request library
await doGotRequest(url, cookieJar);

// got request library
async function doGotRequest(url, cookieJar) {
// do request with got
const gotResponse = await got({
// check cookies we have sent
console.log('got request header', gotResponse.request.options.headers.cookie);
// check cookies we have got
console.log('got response set-cookie header', gotResponse.headers['set-cookie']);
// already sync with jar object
console.log('cookieJar.getCookies after got request', await cookieJar.getCookies(url));

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